Rebecca's Ramblings

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Been Busy

Life has been hectic as usual and I just don't seem to get the chance to update my blog.

Sadly my Mum had to have her dog put to sleep. He had cancer but seemed to be well so it was a huge shock for us all when he suddenly went down hill. Reilly was a Kerry Blue and the quirkiest dog I have ever known, you couldn't help but love him.

When Mum had decided she wanted another dog she didn't hang about and we ended up going to Chorley to collect him. He was supposed to have gone to Australia but there was a bat found in Britain with rabies so all exports of livestock were cancelled. He would have hated Australia, he couldn't stand the heat.

I will miss you Reilly, you are leaving a very big gap in all of our lives.

I am still enjoying my jewellery making and recently took part in a gemstone challenge on UK-Beaders. A group of us were all supplied with the same gemstones and we had to see what we all came up with. The gemstones were the most gorgeous yellow turquoise, not something I had ever seen before. I really enjoyed putting my set together, although it took a while because of the byzantine chain that I decided to make. I really need to brush up on my photography because you really can't see the detail in it here.

A cyber crop has just been announced on Scrapstars so please go along and join in, there are going to be several weeks of challenges and competitions leading up to it.

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